So I got a new tattoo yesterday, and I've been asked several times 'why?', 'what is the meaning?', or 'what is the relevance?' and well, I just wanted to explain.
This tattoo, is a lyric from a song by an incredible band called Rumours, but this lyric, it means so much to me in so many different ways. I didn't go into this with a half thought out plan to get some words on my wrist, I fully sat and thought about it, and designed and designed until I was one hundred and twelve percent happy with my idea. If I wasn't one hundred and twelve percent happy, I never would have gotten it.
This tattoo to me, is more than just words. This tattoo is one hundred memories, all captured in a quote. When I look at it, I see all of those times when I was euphorically happy, all of those people that made me that happy, and all of the times in the future that are going to make me feel that way too. I never want to forget that feeling of being so happy that I could just shout it to the world, and that is what this tattoo means to me.
I truly believe that even if we aren't musical geniuses, we all write out own metaphoric soundtracks and melodies as we stumble through life, and 'our melodies lit up the night' to me, isn't just about the amazing music that does light up my nights, or the inner soundtrack that I have going.. It's a way to describe those amazing moments that lit up and light up my life.. Those nights standing out under the stars, waiting for a wish, those nights outside venues talking to incredible bands, those days just chilling with my best friends, and those times when only family can make you feel better. This tattoo reminds me of all of those things, of how music warms my soul, and how certain amazing people light me on fire. I never want to forget those feelings.
So when I'm older and my future children are asking: 'what does that tattoo mean?' I can explain to them that it means the world, and I can explain to them how amazing those nights under the stars, outside venues, with friends or with family were, and when my grandchildren and great grandchildren ask, I can tell them the same, and when I'm ninety, and looking down at my wrist and see those words, I can remember what it was like to be so amazingly happy that I felt like my heart was going to explode, and I can also remember the people who brought those words into my life. I can smile and remember those guys that didnt treat me like an annoying idiot, those guys who treated me as an equal, and who wrote incredible, amazing and inspirational songs. I can remember how they were all amazing and always there if I needed them, and hopefully, by some beautiful little miracle, they'll still be in my life in all those years.
Thanks for reading.. I'm not quite 90 yet.. So for now, live for the moment, get excited about the future, live your own life, follow your own path and adventure and just be happy.
Thanks for reading,
Alie :)
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