Monday, 29 April 2013

Lets settle this once and for all.

Right, I'm not even going to give this post an introduction.

I've always been my own person. I've always been who I wanted to be, and I've done that at great emotional expense to myself sometimes. I've never strived to be popular, or wanted to be in a clique, and I'm more than happy with the company I keep these days.

I'm sorry if I don't please you. I'm sorry if I'm not the kind of person you want to hang around with or be associated with, I'm sorry if my music tastes and the fact that I read don't fit in with your 'image' but quite frankly, the way I live my life stopped being your problem a long time ago. We don't even talk anymore and it's not like I'm cramping your style, so do you know what? Just leave it.

I'm happy with the person I am, and I'm not going to change just because you want to say crap and act like I'm the leper of the century.

So I don't go out on the piss every other night, and I don't make a huge show of my private life. Maybe I do post pictures of me at gigs, but at least in those pictures, I'm with people I care about, and at least when I'm at gigs, I'm doing something that I'm happy doing.

Music, Art and Literature the things that make up my life. I'm sorry that your lifestyle doesn't fit into my routines and hobbies, and I'm sorry to anyone who finds my personality too big, or offensive or whatever, but plenty of people don't mind me being loud and energetic and just a complete idiot half the time. Some people like that I have some life in me, and that I'm not moping around, because if some of you remember, there was a time in my life when everything was dark, when I didn't want to smile and when it seemed as if I'd been broken in half. To some people that know me, they'll have seen this happen twice, and you'll be expecting it to happen again in the next couple of weeks, but do you know what? I'm happy right now, I've got people in my life, old and new, who I care about a lot and they like who I am, so no, I won't be quiet, I won't hide away, I am me, and I'm proud of that. You can cut me down, you can say shit about me, and you can tell me that none of my friends care about me, and maybe some of them don't, but I have a good few people in my life that I can count on, and I'll be damned if I let you drag me down.

So lets settle this once and for all. I am me, I'm not changing, I'm sorry if you don't like it, and I'm sorry if I don't fit in with your lifestyle, but here it is; I fit into my own lifestyle, and that's all that matters. Say what you like, but I'm going to love the friends that I love, love the music that I love, and live the life that I love.

That's all.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Rumours first gig.

asdfghjkl oh ma god.

I couldn't find a good way to start this blog, purely because the feels had to be let out. Now that's out of the way, lets get down to business. 

Last night, I travelled to Bristol to see a band called Rumours first gig. Now, before anyone calls me crazy for travelling a long way to see a bands first gig, I would like to point out that I most likely am crazy and also that I would never, ever have missed that first gig for the world.

I was pleasantly surprised when Rumours started playing.. Not because I wasn't used to the music they were playing, but because they were playing music similar to the music I grew up listening to. Rumours music took me back to my roots, and back to where my love of music all began, and I felt this musical void inside me just fill up with beautiful songs and the warmest love I've felt for a band in a long time. 

Until Rumours played their first song, I had no idea how much I missed Rock music, and now I just can't get that feeling out of my head. That feeling of being complete for the first time in a long time. 

The songs that Rumours played were all heart-felt, honest, pure and relatable songs. Songs that have been missing from some music for a long time. At one point, during a song called 'meet me half way' I did feel a little prick at the old tear ducts, because that song is just beautiful in so many ways. 

I could bang on about the purity and beauty of each song for days, but I think, once you listen to Rumours for yourself, you'll hear exactly what I'm saying.

I can't wait to hear what Rumours have in store for us, I can't wait to see them live again, and I can;t wait to see them again in general. These guys; Alex Mcmain, Neil Oliver, Dan Mur & Jamie Hadley, are four of the loveliest, sweetest, incredible, amazing and inspiring people I've ever met.

I wouldn't change last night for the world.

I'd like to thank Rumours for being so absolutely and incredibly amazing last night, and I'd like to thank them, from the bottom of my heart, for bringing the music that I love back into my life, but with a new, unique and fresh take on it.

I know for a fact that I won't stop smiling for weeks, maybe months to come, and neither will anyone else that was there. 

Rumours are going to change the world.

Thanks for reading, I'll put all of Rumours links below.

Alie :) x


Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Well well well, this little gem popped out of nowhere, didn't it? We all had our suspicions about who would be in Rumours when the twitter account appeared, shadowed profile picture included, and we were all exremely excited to see what the enigma that was Rumours had in store for us.
When the big unveil finally came about, everyone was ecstatic for the next big thing. It was like, in a time where some pretty bad things were happening in music, an amazing thing came along to counteract it.
I'll be honest, I couldn't imagine a better lineup for Rumours, all the guys are lovely, and incredibly talented, and they're all in it for the music and the love of that music, you can see that just by the way they talk about their new band, and Forever Young just backed up this point pefectly.
Forever Young is a song from the heart. You can hear that immediately in the lyrics. This song is something that has been felt and lived, and it's easily relateable, too. The vocals are beautiful, the lyrics are catchy and the guitars are stuck in your head for days, and that's just the acoustic version. I for one, cannot wait to hear the song in its entirety. This song is already making an impact on people, and I imagine it will for years to come.
I expect big things will come from Rumours, and I cannot wait to hear and see what they have in store for us. I think this band is just what people needed to restore their faith in music, and I have a feeling that Rumours will be taking the world by storm.
I have a suspicion that my obsession with this band will grow, and that so will everyone elses. I genuinely think that Rumours are going to be big, and I can't wait to see where their music takes them.
Bands have changed my life before, but I have a feeling that Rumours are going to do more than just change it. I think Rumours might just fill that musical void that's been missing for a long time.
Thanks for reading,
I'm sure I'll be writing about these fabulously amazing, inspiring and incredible human beings again, so watch out, and watch out for them :)
Alie :) x
Rumours links: