Monday, 29 April 2013

Lets settle this once and for all.

Right, I'm not even going to give this post an introduction.

I've always been my own person. I've always been who I wanted to be, and I've done that at great emotional expense to myself sometimes. I've never strived to be popular, or wanted to be in a clique, and I'm more than happy with the company I keep these days.

I'm sorry if I don't please you. I'm sorry if I'm not the kind of person you want to hang around with or be associated with, I'm sorry if my music tastes and the fact that I read don't fit in with your 'image' but quite frankly, the way I live my life stopped being your problem a long time ago. We don't even talk anymore and it's not like I'm cramping your style, so do you know what? Just leave it.

I'm happy with the person I am, and I'm not going to change just because you want to say crap and act like I'm the leper of the century.

So I don't go out on the piss every other night, and I don't make a huge show of my private life. Maybe I do post pictures of me at gigs, but at least in those pictures, I'm with people I care about, and at least when I'm at gigs, I'm doing something that I'm happy doing.

Music, Art and Literature the things that make up my life. I'm sorry that your lifestyle doesn't fit into my routines and hobbies, and I'm sorry to anyone who finds my personality too big, or offensive or whatever, but plenty of people don't mind me being loud and energetic and just a complete idiot half the time. Some people like that I have some life in me, and that I'm not moping around, because if some of you remember, there was a time in my life when everything was dark, when I didn't want to smile and when it seemed as if I'd been broken in half. To some people that know me, they'll have seen this happen twice, and you'll be expecting it to happen again in the next couple of weeks, but do you know what? I'm happy right now, I've got people in my life, old and new, who I care about a lot and they like who I am, so no, I won't be quiet, I won't hide away, I am me, and I'm proud of that. You can cut me down, you can say shit about me, and you can tell me that none of my friends care about me, and maybe some of them don't, but I have a good few people in my life that I can count on, and I'll be damned if I let you drag me down.

So lets settle this once and for all. I am me, I'm not changing, I'm sorry if you don't like it, and I'm sorry if I don't fit in with your lifestyle, but here it is; I fit into my own lifestyle, and that's all that matters. Say what you like, but I'm going to love the friends that I love, love the music that I love, and live the life that I love.

That's all.

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