Wednesday, 12 June 2013

The third tattoo: an explanation

So I got a new tattoo yesterday, and I've been asked several times 'why?', 'what is the meaning?', or 'what is the relevance?' and well, I just wanted to explain.

This tattoo, is a lyric from a song by an incredible band called Rumours, but this lyric, it means so much to me in so many different ways. I didn't go into this with a half thought out plan to get some words on my wrist, I fully sat and thought about it, and designed and designed until I was one hundred and twelve percent happy with my idea. If I wasn't one hundred and twelve percent happy, I never would have gotten it.

This tattoo to me, is more than just words. This tattoo is one hundred memories, all captured in a quote. When I look at it, I see all of those times when I was euphorically happy, all of those people that made me that happy, and all of the times in the future that are going to make me feel that way too. I never want to forget that feeling of being so happy that I could just shout it to the world, and that is what this tattoo means to me.

I truly believe that even if we aren't musical geniuses, we all write out own metaphoric soundtracks and melodies as we stumble through life, and 'our melodies lit up the night' to me, isn't just about the amazing music that does light up my nights, or the inner soundtrack that I have going.. It's a way to describe those amazing moments that lit up and light up my life.. Those nights standing out under the stars, waiting for a wish, those nights outside venues talking to incredible bands, those days just chilling with my best friends, and those times when only family can make you feel better. This tattoo reminds me of all of those things, of how music warms my soul, and how certain amazing people light me on fire. I never want to forget those feelings.

So when I'm older and my future children are asking: 'what does that tattoo mean?' I can explain to them that it means the world, and I can explain to them how amazing those nights under the stars, outside venues, with friends or with family were, and when my grandchildren and great grandchildren ask, I can tell them the same, and when I'm ninety, and looking down at my wrist and see those words, I can remember what it was like to be so amazingly happy that I felt like my heart was going to explode, and I can also remember the people who brought those words into my life. I can smile and remember those guys that didnt treat me like an annoying idiot, those guys who treated me as an equal, and who wrote incredible, amazing and inspirational songs. I can remember how they were all amazing and always there if I needed them, and hopefully, by some beautiful little miracle, they'll still be in my life in all those years.

Thanks for reading.. I'm not quite 90 yet.. So for now, live for the moment, get excited about the future, live your own life, follow your own path and adventure and just be happy.

Thanks for reading,

Alie :)

Friday, 31 May 2013

Rumours 30.05.13


So I've written about them before, by this point, I think it's certain I'll write about them again, but this blog is going to be and short and sweet one about Rumours.

So they played in Camden last night, and well, without ruining my entire point, they were incredible.

I can't even describe how those guys just capture every ear in a crowd by how purely amazing they are.  Their songs are well thought out, intelligently written and purely from the heart, and that's what makes them just so relatable and soul capturing.

The vocals are heavenly, sending chills down any listeners spine, the songs are catchy and get stuck in your head so easily and just know you're going to be singing them for days, but I think the thing that made everyone enjoy their set so much, was purely and simply that you could see that the guys were having so much fun playing, and playing together. They fit so well as a unit, like a driving force that's getting music back to where it should be.

These guys are lovely, kind, inspiring and amazing people, and are literally my heroes. I have no doubt that they will be yours too one day.

Thanks for reading,

- A very orange armed Alie.

Monday, 29 April 2013

Lets settle this once and for all.

Right, I'm not even going to give this post an introduction.

I've always been my own person. I've always been who I wanted to be, and I've done that at great emotional expense to myself sometimes. I've never strived to be popular, or wanted to be in a clique, and I'm more than happy with the company I keep these days.

I'm sorry if I don't please you. I'm sorry if I'm not the kind of person you want to hang around with or be associated with, I'm sorry if my music tastes and the fact that I read don't fit in with your 'image' but quite frankly, the way I live my life stopped being your problem a long time ago. We don't even talk anymore and it's not like I'm cramping your style, so do you know what? Just leave it.

I'm happy with the person I am, and I'm not going to change just because you want to say crap and act like I'm the leper of the century.

So I don't go out on the piss every other night, and I don't make a huge show of my private life. Maybe I do post pictures of me at gigs, but at least in those pictures, I'm with people I care about, and at least when I'm at gigs, I'm doing something that I'm happy doing.

Music, Art and Literature the things that make up my life. I'm sorry that your lifestyle doesn't fit into my routines and hobbies, and I'm sorry to anyone who finds my personality too big, or offensive or whatever, but plenty of people don't mind me being loud and energetic and just a complete idiot half the time. Some people like that I have some life in me, and that I'm not moping around, because if some of you remember, there was a time in my life when everything was dark, when I didn't want to smile and when it seemed as if I'd been broken in half. To some people that know me, they'll have seen this happen twice, and you'll be expecting it to happen again in the next couple of weeks, but do you know what? I'm happy right now, I've got people in my life, old and new, who I care about a lot and they like who I am, so no, I won't be quiet, I won't hide away, I am me, and I'm proud of that. You can cut me down, you can say shit about me, and you can tell me that none of my friends care about me, and maybe some of them don't, but I have a good few people in my life that I can count on, and I'll be damned if I let you drag me down.

So lets settle this once and for all. I am me, I'm not changing, I'm sorry if you don't like it, and I'm sorry if I don't fit in with your lifestyle, but here it is; I fit into my own lifestyle, and that's all that matters. Say what you like, but I'm going to love the friends that I love, love the music that I love, and live the life that I love.

That's all.

Saturday, 27 April 2013

Rumours first gig.

asdfghjkl oh ma god.

I couldn't find a good way to start this blog, purely because the feels had to be let out. Now that's out of the way, lets get down to business. 

Last night, I travelled to Bristol to see a band called Rumours first gig. Now, before anyone calls me crazy for travelling a long way to see a bands first gig, I would like to point out that I most likely am crazy and also that I would never, ever have missed that first gig for the world.

I was pleasantly surprised when Rumours started playing.. Not because I wasn't used to the music they were playing, but because they were playing music similar to the music I grew up listening to. Rumours music took me back to my roots, and back to where my love of music all began, and I felt this musical void inside me just fill up with beautiful songs and the warmest love I've felt for a band in a long time. 

Until Rumours played their first song, I had no idea how much I missed Rock music, and now I just can't get that feeling out of my head. That feeling of being complete for the first time in a long time. 

The songs that Rumours played were all heart-felt, honest, pure and relatable songs. Songs that have been missing from some music for a long time. At one point, during a song called 'meet me half way' I did feel a little prick at the old tear ducts, because that song is just beautiful in so many ways. 

I could bang on about the purity and beauty of each song for days, but I think, once you listen to Rumours for yourself, you'll hear exactly what I'm saying.

I can't wait to hear what Rumours have in store for us, I can't wait to see them live again, and I can;t wait to see them again in general. These guys; Alex Mcmain, Neil Oliver, Dan Mur & Jamie Hadley, are four of the loveliest, sweetest, incredible, amazing and inspiring people I've ever met.

I wouldn't change last night for the world.

I'd like to thank Rumours for being so absolutely and incredibly amazing last night, and I'd like to thank them, from the bottom of my heart, for bringing the music that I love back into my life, but with a new, unique and fresh take on it.

I know for a fact that I won't stop smiling for weeks, maybe months to come, and neither will anyone else that was there. 

Rumours are going to change the world.

Thanks for reading, I'll put all of Rumours links below.

Alie :) x


Tuesday, 16 April 2013


Well well well, this little gem popped out of nowhere, didn't it? We all had our suspicions about who would be in Rumours when the twitter account appeared, shadowed profile picture included, and we were all exremely excited to see what the enigma that was Rumours had in store for us.
When the big unveil finally came about, everyone was ecstatic for the next big thing. It was like, in a time where some pretty bad things were happening in music, an amazing thing came along to counteract it.
I'll be honest, I couldn't imagine a better lineup for Rumours, all the guys are lovely, and incredibly talented, and they're all in it for the music and the love of that music, you can see that just by the way they talk about their new band, and Forever Young just backed up this point pefectly.
Forever Young is a song from the heart. You can hear that immediately in the lyrics. This song is something that has been felt and lived, and it's easily relateable, too. The vocals are beautiful, the lyrics are catchy and the guitars are stuck in your head for days, and that's just the acoustic version. I for one, cannot wait to hear the song in its entirety. This song is already making an impact on people, and I imagine it will for years to come.
I expect big things will come from Rumours, and I cannot wait to hear and see what they have in store for us. I think this band is just what people needed to restore their faith in music, and I have a feeling that Rumours will be taking the world by storm.
I have a suspicion that my obsession with this band will grow, and that so will everyone elses. I genuinely think that Rumours are going to be big, and I can't wait to see where their music takes them.
Bands have changed my life before, but I have a feeling that Rumours are going to do more than just change it. I think Rumours might just fill that musical void that's been missing for a long time.
Thanks for reading,
I'm sure I'll be writing about these fabulously amazing, inspiring and incredible human beings again, so watch out, and watch out for them :)
Alie :) x
Rumours links:

Monday, 18 March 2013

I complained to Mcdonalds.

So, while I was in Mcdonalds with a friend, I experienced some unacceptable customer service.

Here is the complaint I sent to them:

"Dear Mcdonalds,

I am quite furious with the lack of respect given to me by a member of staff in your southend 2 restaurant.
I bought a chicken mayo and small fries to have as my lunch during my college break, and I had with me my own drink. I did not have enough money to buy a drink in your restauraunt, as I am a student without a current job.

As I was finishing off my meal, I took a lemon slice from my bag that I was about to put into my pocket to eat on my way back to college. As I was retrieving my lemon slice, a member of your staff came to my table and told me to leave. I was perplexed at this and asked why. The staff member told me that I would not take mcdonalds to a cake shop and that I should leave the restaurant immediately, despite me spending the only money I had on food in the store that pays her wages. I got up and left without another word, too angry to even give the woman a second glance.

I am very dissapointed in the rude behaviour of this member of staff, and upset that I cannot simply remove a lemon slice from my bag without being kicked out of your store.
I'd like to add that I sent this complaint over an hour ago, and have not yet recieved a reply.
Infuriated Alie.

Monday, 4 February 2013


I am so genuinely angry and upset right now.

I can't tell you how hulkish I am.

So basically, and I don't often rant about people in particular, but basically at college we have a final major project. For us music tech students, that project is to record and mix an album. At the start of the year we had to get into groups of four or five, my friend and I were left with people who didn't really want to be in a group with us, and who wanted to actually work for their grade even less.

Last week, we heard murmerings that two of the members of our group were leaving to create their own, and then this week, we've heard that the other member of our group is leaving too. The thing is, none of the people in our group have actually told us that they're leaving. Find this perculiar? Me too.

I'm so anrgy that these people who at the very least are our peers, feel that they have the right to leave us in the lurch in the very most important project we have to complete here. They still haven't bothered telling us that they're leaving.. I doubt they even will, so that's just great. What if we'd have gotten to our next recording day and they'd just turned around to us sayign "oh yeah, we left three weeks ago" what would we have done? because I'm telling you it wouldn't have been good.

I can't even type properly or begin to describe this all right now, so I'll leave this here.

I'm anrgy, I'm upset and I'm betrayed.



Monday, 14 January 2013

Something that bugs me.

First post of 2013 I believe?

Okay, so here's something that really bugs me; people who sit around ridiculing you and the things you like just to get some small amount of self satisfaction. Something that makes this worse, is that 90% of the time, these people are completely wrong in what they're saying. They state 'facts' that aren't even facts at all and walk around acting as if they are the almighty rulers of the earth. These people go around thinking that they are the absolute definition of perfection when in reality, they're nothing but a spec of dust on the ornament that is the world.

Many of us understand that in life, we start off as nothing and gradually build ourselves up to something in order to get where we want to be in life, but some people grow up believing that they are destined to be the almighty, and spend so much time with their heads stuck so far up their own gold plated arses that they don't realise that they are going the complete wrong way about getting what they want. These people, are the kinds of people that sit on their computers telling everyone they're right via their sad little keyboard wars, while the rest of us are out there in the real world living our lives and trying to get somewhere. So yeah, we all spend a lot of time on the internet these days, but the kinds of people I'm talking about are the kinds who sit behind their screens, ridculing other people, telling others that they're wrong and wasting their lives beliveing that riches will just find them without them lifting a finger for it to do so.

I'm so sick of people like this telling other people that they're wrong, but what I'm also sick of, is the same kind of people sitting behind their screens, trying to justify themselves by saying "oh well, I don't want ultimate riches, I'd just like to be a millionaire or something," well too bad my friend, because millionaires pretty much do have ultimate riches.

I think what I'm trying to put accross, is that I wish some people would just stop for a second to think about the things they say and do. I'd love it, if people would research something before they sit and tell the world that it's the 100% truth and fact.

Anyway guys, I'm out of steam, please leave comments if you agree or even if you disagree, don't be afraid to comment, I don't bite!

Thanks for reading!

Alie :) x