I'm probably not the only person in the world who hates trains.. But something I hate even more than trains, is the people on them. Here are some common types of disgusting people that can often be seen on trains:
+The hacker.
The person that will not stop hacking their guts up and spreading their god awful swine flu diseases with the rest of the carriage. COVER YOUR MOUTH FOR GODS SAKE!
+The chav/ group of chavs.
The guy blaring his chavvy chav chavness that he calls 'music' or the group of chavs that take up the entire carriage even though there's only five of them, and insist on shouting at eachother "INIT BRUV BLAH BLAH BLAH" and just generally intimidate everyone.
+No concept of personal space elders.
The little old lady or man that sits pretty much right on top of you even though there is a whole carriage full of free seats to sit on.
+The bike Guys.
The guys that put their bike right in front of the door you need to access instead of putting it against the door that doesn't even open on the route. Seriously, how hard is it to be polite and MOVE YOUR FUCKING BIKE?
+The screaming children.
The children that's parents don't seem to be able to hear screaming at the top of their lungs while everyone else covers their ears in fear of being murdered by the banshee child.
+The 'too cool' school kids.
The school kids on their way home after a hard day of (hardly) working who, like the chavs, insist on screaming at each other across the carriages and throwing their food about the place.
+The crunchy eater.
The person who needs a quick lunch on the way to their next destination, but feel the need to chew with their mouth open or just generally tend to eat their food with a megaphone in front of their trap.
+The friendly hobo.
The homeless guy that just wants to make friends, but comes across as a creepy psycho that wants to rip your face off and devour your flesh in a fit of cannibalism.
To name a few. I personally can't stand trains anyway, but ^ these types of people that I encounter on the train pretty much every time, make the experience ten times creepier than it even needs to be. So why not put your headphones in, or read your book you may ask me? .. Because I am the type of person, that will take their headphones out and sit bolt upright on the train waiting for my stop because quite frankly, I cannot wait to get off of that god damn train.
Do you have any train stories? Please leave a comment.
Thanks for reading!
Alie :) x
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