Wednesday 19 September 2012

Writers block.

I'm sorry I didn't blog at all yesterday, I won't make up some excuse, the truth is, I have major writers block. I've plenty to say, and plenty i'd like to get out, but i'm really struggling putting things into words that actually make coherent sense and don't leave people thinking 'dafuq did I just read?'.. I'm pretty sure something will happen to spur the right words back into my brain, but until then, I'll try my best to blog, but if i don't, don't sue me :) 

It's not just blogs that i'm uninspired to write right now, I'm also majorly struggling writing my new book for wattpad, and although i've got a lot going on in my head right now, I'm also struggling to find the inspiration to write lyrics too.

Thanks for reading!

Alie :) x

PS, If you fancy having a read of one of my previous books, here's the wattpad link to my story "Perfect Sunday" I know there are a few typo's at the moment, I'm in the process of editing the book on a personal level and then once i've finished that, i'll be editing out the typo's on wattpad.

Thanks again! :) x

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